Thursday, May 30, 2013

Circlus - Personal Portfolio&vCard HTML5&CSS3 Theme

Circlus - Personal Portfolio&vCard HTML5&CSS3 Theme - Virtual Business Card Personal

Updated Theme / 25.09.2012

  • New! Responsive version

Circlus – Personal Portloio & vCard HTML5&CSS3 Theme

  • HTML5 /CSS3 Creative Theme

  • Modernizr – enables HTML5 elements IE

  • @FontFace replacement

  • Jquery Nivo slider Plugin

  • Jquery PrettyPhoto Gallery Plugin

  • Working Contact Form Ajax/PHP & Validate

  • Video Support ( PrettyPhoto )

  • Google CDN ’s jQuery or local

  • Google Analytics

  • CrossBrowser support

  • Valid HTML5&CSS3

  • PSD files ( You can create your own color theme – circle menu, social icon etc. )

  • Documentation Included

Best Regards, Pavel.

Change Log

Version 1.0b
# Fixed index.html file (update your archive with template)

Version 1.0a
# Fixed js files (update your archive with template)

Warning ! – The Images in the live preview will not be part of the design/theme meant for sale !

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